Find Registered SAP Developer & Object Access Key. Posted by ITsiti — July 7, 2011 in SAP Security — Leave a reply. Execute transaction code SE16, enter DEVACCESS in table name field. Click execute. From here, you will get the list of users with their developer access key. Jul 25, 2007 Hi guys: I have installed IDES 4.6c successfully,When I created ABAP program using SE38,system prompted 'You are not registered as a. Developer.Please register in the Online Service System (OSS).In the OSS you will receive an access key.'
You might want to install SAP ECC 5 or SAP ECC 6 and been asking SolmanKey. What if you don't have Solman Server ? Then how would you generate solman key ? There are 2 ways (if you don't have Solman Server to generate solman key) :1. Ask your friend which have Solman Server to generate it.
2. Use this simple script (VB Script) to generate it.
' Solution Manager Key Generator '
'Save to SolManKeyGen.vbs and execute'
' '
Dim SIDs, SNs, SERVs, msg, ENDs, KEYs
msg='System ID (3 chr.)'
SIDs=InputBox(msg,'Solution Manager Key Generator')
msg='System Number (2 dig.)'
SNs=InputBox(msg,'Solution Manager Key Generator')
msg='Server Name (max. 15 chr.)'
SERVs=InputBox(msg,'Solution Manager Key Generator')
KEYs=SolManKeyGen(SIDs, SNs, SERVs)
msg='Solution Manager Key'
ENDs=InputBox(msg,'Solution Manager Key Generator',KEYs)
Function SolManKeyGen(SIDst, SNst, SERVst)
Dim SIDSNhex(5)
Dim SERVhex(15)
Dim reshex(5)
SIDSNstr = UCase(SIDst) + UCase(SNst)
SERVstr = UCase(SERVst)
For arrcnt = 1 To 5
SIDSNhex(arrcnt) = Asc(Mid(SIDSNstr, arrcnt, 1))
For arrcnt = 1 To Len(SERVstr)
SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(Mid(SERVstr, arrcnt, 1))
For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 15
SERVhex(arrcnt) = 0
If (Len(SERVstr) > 0) Then
If (Len(SERVstr) < 5) Then
For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 5
SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(' ')
End If
End If
If (Len(SERVstr) > 5) Then
If (Len(SERVstr) < 10) Then
For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 10
SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(' ')
End If
Sap Access Key Table
End IfIf (Len(SERVstr) > 10) Then
If (Len(SERVstr) < 15) Then
For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 15
SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(' ')
End If
End If
For arrcnt = 1 To 5
reshex(arrcnt) = ((((0 Xor SIDSNhex(arrcnt)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt + 5)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt + 10))
reshex(1) = reshex(1) Xor 84 Xor 0
reshex(2) = reshex(2) Xor 131 Xor 11
reshex(3) = reshex(3) Xor 194 Xor 46
reshex(4) = reshex(4) Xor 52 Xor 105
reshex(5) = reshex(5) Xor 119 Xor 188
hexstr = '0123456789ABCDEF'
resstr = '
For arrcnt = 1 To 5
hihex = reshex(arrcnt) 16
lohex = reshex(arrcnt) Mod 16
resstr = resstr + Mid(hexstr, hihex + 1, 1) + Mid(hexstr, lohex + 1, 1)
SolManKeyGen = resstr
End Function
Copy this script to your Windows PC and save it as SolManKeyGen.vbs and then execute it.
Just like that....and shit, now you have solman key....
Hello SAP Experts
Keygen Sap Developer Access Key Services
I am a student who recently installed SAP (Systems Applications and Products). Previously it asked me to renew the license so after 30days I changed the system date to be able to log on to r/3 system. Now that I can log on to system. I created a copy user of ddic when I try to create an ABAP program. It is asking me to enter an access key which I don't have. Can anybody help me with that or does anyone know how to work around the problem?
Sap Developer Access Key
Thank you.
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