Wildcat 10 Mile
Hey guys, first time reddit user here, i recently got the razer wildcat and i have enjoyed using it for the most part.
Mar 13, 2017 Razer Wildcat Controller for Xbox One and Windows: Detailed review with Picture-in-Picture - Duration: 16:51. Windows Central 92,693 views.
But with out fail after a decent stint on a game it will do one of the following issues:
acts like im constantly pressing down on the D Pad
Moves forward by itself and i cant use anything to stop it, cant even jump,press trigger ect
literally just happend to me playing blops zombies, loses all function and spins on the spot....
the last one was the final straw as i was in a really good game with 7 perks on shadows of evil.
is there anything specific causing this or is there something i can help prevent it from happening :(!