Clerk Of Works And Site Inspector Handbook

  1. Clerk Of Works And Site Inspector Handbook Free Download
  2. Clerk Of Works And Site Inspector Handbook
The very principles for which Clerks of Works were first established remain as true and valid today as they have ever been, though the traditional title has given way to a more modern interpretation of the role - Site Inspector, Quality Auditor - but the principle remains the same. 'Clerk of Works and Site Inspectors Handbook' is an in depth guide to the role of the Clerk of Works/Site Inspector. However, it also clarifies the role and relationship with the architect, client and other construction professionals. It provides valuable guidance for the architect carrying out site inspection and acts as a useful checklist for resident site architects with details on inspection and testing routines and procedures. Where a practice is appointing a Clerk of Works, this guide explains the authority that the Clerk of Works has under a Standard Building Contract, which additional duties and responsibilities may be devolved upon the Clerk of Works and what their liabilities may be. Additionally, for most commonly encountered trades, it provides essential pointers in what to check and lookout for, with advice on health and safety issues, plus a section on how to follow CAWS (Common Arrangement of Works Sections). This is an invaluable reference guide for any construction professional be it the architect who carries out a site inspection or acts as a resident site architect, the newly qualified architect or the Part 3 student.
  1. Clerk of Works and Site Inspectors Handbook is an in depth guide to the role of the Clerk of Works/Site Inspector. However, it also clarifies the role and relationship with the architect, client and other construction professionals.
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Jul 01, 2006  'Clerk of Works and Site Inspectors Handbook' is an in depth guide to the role of the Clerk of Works/Site Inspector. However, it also clarifies the role and relationship with the architect, client and other construction professionals.


Explains the duties and responsibilities of the clerk of works or site inspector role and consequent liabilities under a standard building contract. The relationships with the architect, client and other construction professionals are clarified, supported by guidance on reporting, particularly of health and safety issues. The contractual and statutory requirements of every trade, as well as the quality and technical standards expected of them, are explained.

Superseded by 2018 edition. Supersedes the Clerk of Works Manual 1994. Produced in conjunction with the Institute of Clerks of Works (ICW).

RIBA Publishing

RIBA Publishing is one of the leading providers of high quality information for architects and other built environments professionals. With over 30 years’ experience. They publish authoritative, comprehensive and practical information in the fields of architecture, design and construction.

Clerk Of Works And Site Inspector Handbook Free Download

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Clerk Of Works And Site Inspector Handbook

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