Web Filtering provides URL filtering capabilityby using either a local Websense server or Internet-based SurfControlserver. For more information, see the following topics:
The web-filtering feature, prior to Junos version 11.2, was unable to block HTTPS traffic. It was possible only to block HTTP requests using web-filtering solution. From Junos version 11.2 or later, UTM web filtering can block HTTPS traffic. It uses the IP address of the HTTPS packet to make blacklist, whitelist, permit, or block decisions. Enhanced Web Filtering (EWF) with Websense is an integrated URL filtering solution. When you enable the solution on the device, it intercepts the HTTP and the HTTPS requests and sends the HTTP URL or the HTTPS source IP to the Websense ThreatSeeker Cloud (TSC). The TSC categorizes the URL into one.
Enhanced Web Filtering Overview
Enhanced Web Filtering (EWF) with Websense is an integratedURL filtering solution. When you enable the solution on the device,it intercepts the HTTP and the HTTPS requests and sends the HTTP URLor the HTTPS source IP to the Websense ThreatSeeker Cloud (TSC). TheTSC categorizes the URL into one of the 95 or more categories thatare predefined and also provides site reputation information. TheTSC further returns the URL category and the site reputation informationto the device. The device determines if it can permit or block therequest based on the information provided by the TSC.
Starting in JunosOS Release 15.1X49-D40 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, EWF supports HTTPStraffic by intercepting HTTPS traffic passing through the SRX Seriesdevice. The security channel from the SRXSeries device is divided as one SSL channel between the client andthe SRX Series device and another SSL channel between the SRX Seriesdevice and the HTTPS server. SSL forward proxy acts as the terminalfor both channels and forwards the cleartext traffic to the UTM. UTMextracts the URL from the HTTP request message.
You can consider the EWF solution as the next-generation URLfiltering solution, building upon the existing Surf-Control solution.
Enhanced Web Filtering supports the following HTTP methods:
User Messages and Redirect URLs for Enhanced Web Filtering(EWF) on SRX Series Devices
Starting withJunos OS Release 15.1X49-D110, a new option, custom-objects command that enablesyou to configure user messages and redirect URLs to notify users whena URL is blocked or quarantined for each EWF category. The Name: Name of the custom message; maximum lengthis 59 bytes.
user-message or Content: Content of the custom message; maximumlength is 1024 bytes.
You configure a user message or redirect URL as a custom objectand assign the custom object to an EWF category.
User messages indicate that website access has been blockedby an organization's access policy. To configure a user message, includethe message-text statement at the message] hierarchy level.
Redirect URLs redirect a blocked or quarantined URL toa user-defined URL. To configure a redirect URL, include the [edit security utm custom-objects custom-message custom-message option provides the followingbenefits:
You can configure a separate custom message or redirectURL for each EWF category.
The custom-message configuration option is appliedfor each category. The License key—The EWF solutionbuilds upon the SurfControl integrated feature on the device. Twodifferent valid license keys are required for the SurfControl integratedsolution and for EWF. You need to install a new license to upgradeto the EWF solution.
You can ignore the warning message 'requires 'wf_key_websense_ewf'license” because it is generated by routine EWF license validationcheck.
A grace period of 30 days, consistent with other UTM features,is provided for the EWF feature after the license key expires.
The device will continue to support the SurfControl integratedsolution after the upgrade.
When the grace period for the EWF feature has passed (or ifthe feature has not been installed), Web filtering is disabled, allHTTP requests bypass Web filtering, and any connections to the TSCare disabled. When you install a valid license, the connections tothe server are established again.
The TCP connection between a Web client and awebserver—An application identification (APPID)module is used to identify an HTTP connection. The EWF solution identifiesan HTTP connection after the device receives the first SYN packet.If an HTTP request has to be blocked, EWF sends a block message fromthe device to the Web client. EWF further sends a TCP FIN requestto the client and a TCP reset (RST) to the server to disable the connection.The device sends all the messages through the flow session. The messagesfollow the entire service chain.
HTTPS request interception—Starting with Junos OS 15.1X49-D40 and JunosOS Release 17.3R1, EWF intercepts HTTPS traffic passing through theSRX Series device. The security channel from the SRX Series deviceis divided as one SSL channel between the client and the SRX Seriesdevice and another SSL channel between the SRX Series device and theHTTPS server. SSL forward proxy acts as the terminal for both channelsand forwards the cleartext traffic to the UTM. UTM extracts the URLfrom the HTTP request message.
JuniperWeb Filtering:Juniper Web Filtering has been set to block this site.CATEGORY: Enhanced_Search_Engines_and_Portals REASON: BY_PRE_DEFINED . However, the corresponding syslog message on the device undertest (DUT) is: .
HTTP protocol communication with the TSC—EWF uses the HTTP 1.1 protocol to communicate with the TSC.This ensures a persistent connection and transmission of multipleHTTP requests through the same connection. A single HTTP request orresponse is used for client or server communication. The TSC can handlequeued requests; for optimal performance, an asynchronous requestor response mechanism is used. The requests are sent over TCP, soTCP retransmission is used to ensure request or response delivery.TCP also ensures that valid in-order, non-retransmitted HTTP streamdata is sent to the HTTP client on the device.
set securityutm feature-profile web-filtering juniper-enhanced profile juniper-enhancedfallback-settings default ?
The response also contains the site categorization and sitereputation information.
Caching—Successfullycategorized responses are cached on the device. Uncategorized URLsare not cached. The size of the cache can be configured by the user.
safe=active. This safe-search string is appended tothe URL, and a redirect response for redirecting the client's querywith safe search is turned on. This ensures that no unsafe contentis returned to the client. If the TSC indicates that it needs to besafe-searched, then you can perform the safe-search redirect.
For example, the client makes a request to the URL http://images.example.com/images?hl=en&source=imghp&biw=1183&bih=626&q
=adult+movies&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=No category action is defined for this URL. TSC returnssafe-search string NoteSafe-search redirect supports HTTP only. You cannot extractthe URL for HTTPS. Therefore it is not possible to generate a redirectresponse for HTTPS search URLs. Safe-search redirects can be disabledby using the CLI option Site reputation—The TSCprovides site reputation information. Based on these reputations,you can choose a block or a permit action. If the URL is not handledby a whitelist or a blacklist and does not fall in a user or predefinedcategory, then the reputation can be used to perform a URL filteringdecision.
Starting with JunosOS Release 17.4R1, the reputation base scores are configurable. Userscan apply global reputation values, provided by the Websense ThreatSeekerCloud (TSC). For the non-category URLs, the global reputation valueis used to perform filtering,
The reputation scores are as follows:
100-90–Site is considered very safe.
80-89–Site is considered moderately safe.
70-79–Site is considered fairly safe.
60-69–Site is considered suspicious.
0-59–Site is considered harmful.
The device maintains a log for URLs that are blocked or permittedbased on site reputation scores.
junos-wf-enhanced-default, is provided to users if they choose not to define their own profile.
You can also define an action based on site reputations in aprofile to specify the action when the incoming URL does not belongto any of the categories defined in the profile. If you do not configurethe site reputation handling information, then you can define a defaultaction. All URLs that do not have a defined category or defined reputationaction in their profile will be blocked, permitted, logged-and-permitted,or quarantined depending on the block or permit handling for the defaultaction explicitly defined in the profile. If you do not specify adefault action, then the URLs will be permitted. For search enginerequests, if there is no explicit user-defined configuration, andthe URL request is without the safe-search option, then EWF generatesa redirect response and sends it to the client. The client will generatea new search request with the safe-search option enabled.
A URL filtering profile can contain the following items:
Multiple user-defined and predefined categories, eachwith a permit or block action
Multiple site reputation handling categories, each witha permit or block action
One default action with a permit or block action
The order of search is blacklist, whitelist, user-defined category,predefined category, safe-search, site reputation, and default action.
User Messages and Redirect URLs for Enhanced Web Filtering(EWF) on SRX Series Devices
Starting withJunos OS Release 15.1X49-D110, a new option, custom-objects statement that enablesyou to configure user messages and redirect URLs to notify users whena URL is blocked or quarantined for each EWF category. The Name: Name of the custom message; maximum lengthis 59 ASCII characters.
user-message or Content: Content of the custom message; maximumlength is 1024 ASCII characters.
You configure a user message or redirect URL as a custom objectand assign the custom object to an EWF category.
User messages indicate that website access has been blockedby an organization's access policy. To configure a user message, includethe message-text statement at the message] hierarchy level.
Redirect URLs redirect a blocked or quarantined URL toa user-defined URL. To configure a redirect URL, include the [edit security utm custom-objects custom-message custom-message option provides the followingbenefits:
You can configure a separate custom message or redirectURL for each EWF category.
The custom-message configuration option is appliedfor each category. The
- Configure UTM custom objects for the UTM features. Setthe interval, set the start time, and enter the URL of category packagedownload:
- Configure the predefined base filters. Each EWF categoryhas a default action in a base filter, which is attached to the userprofile to act as a backup filter. If the categories are not configuredin the user profile, then the base filter takes the action. You canalso upgrade the base filters online.
SRX5600 device
Junos OS Release 12.1X46-D10 or later
value urllist3
Set the URL blacklist filtering category to custblacklist,set the whitelist filtering category to custwhitelist, and set thetype of Web filtering engine to juniper-enhanced. Then you set thecache size and cache timeout parameters.
type juniper-enhanced
cache size 500
cache timeout 1800
Name the EWF server and enter the port number for communicatingwith it. (Default port is 80.) Then you create an EWF profile name.
port 80
http-profile my_ewfprofile01
Select a category from the included whitelist and blacklistcategories or select a custom URL category list you created for filteringagainst.
Action: log-and-permit
very-safe permit
Enter a custom message to be sent when HTTP requests areblocked. Finally, enter a timeout value in seconds.
ewf_my_profile-default block
custom-block-message '***access denied ***'
server-connectivity block
timeout block
too-many-requests block
quarantine-custom-message “**The requested webpageis blocked by your organization's access policy**”.
quarantine-message type custom-redirect-url
quarantine-message url besgas.spglab.example.net
timeout 10
- Configure a URL pattern list (whitelist) of URLs or addressesthat you want to bypass. After you create the URL pattern list, youcreate a custom URL category list and add the pattern list to it.Configure a URL pattern list custom object by creating the list nameand adding values to it as follows:
Note Because you use URL pattern lists to create custom URLcategory lists, you must configure URL pattern list custom objectsbefore you configure custom URL category lists.
Note The guideline to use a URL pattern wildcard is as follows:Use http://. You can use “.”. You can use “http://*.http://www.example.ne?, show security utm custom-objects command.If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeatthe instructions in this example to correct.
If you are done configuring the device, enter [edit] hierarchylevel, and then enter http-reassemble and show security utm feature-profileweb-filtering command.
Step-by-Step Procedure
The following example requires you to navigate variouslevels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how todo that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.
To configure the EWF feature profiles:
- Configure the Web filtering URL blacklist, URL whitelist,and the Web filtering engine.
- Set the cache size and cache timeout parameters for theconfigured EWF engine.
- Set the server name or IP address and the port numberfor communicating with the server. The default host value in the systemis rp.cloud.threatseeker.com.
- Set the http-persist statement tocheck every HTTP request packet in the same session. If the http-persist statement is not configured for cleartext HTTP traffic, then EWFdoes not check every HTTP request packet in the same session.
- Create a profile name, and select a category from theincluded whitelist and blacklist categories.
- Specify the action to be taken depending on the site reputationreturned for the URL if there is no category match found.
- Enter a custom message to be sent when HTTP requests areblocked.
- Define a redirect URL server so that instead of the devicesending a block page with plain text HTML, the device will send anHTTP 302 redirect to this redirect server with some special variablesembedded in the HTTP redirect location field. These special variablescan be parsed by the redirect server and serve a special block pageto the client with rich images and formatting.
If you configure the security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper-enhancedprofile ewf_my_profile custom-block-message configuration.
- Specify a default action (permit, log and permit, block,or quarantine) for the profile, when no other explicitly configuredaction (blacklist, whitelist, custom category, predefined categoryactions, or site reputation actions) is matched .
- Configure the fallback settings (block or log and permit)for this profile.
- Enter a timeout value in seconds. When this limit is reached,fallback settings are applied. This example sets the timeout valueto 10. You can also disable the safe-search functionality. By default,search requests have safe-search strings attached to them, and a redirectresponse is sent to ensure that all search requests are safe or strict.
Note The timeout value range for SRX210, SRX220, SRX240, SRX300,SRX320, SRX345, SRX550, SRX1500, SRX4100, and SRX4200 is 0 through1800 seconds and the default value is 15 seconds. The timeout valuerange for SRX3400 and SRX3600 is 1 through 120 seconds and the defaultvalue is 3 seconds.
- Configure a UTM policy (mypolicy) for the Web-filteringHTTP protocol, associating ewf_my_profile to the UTM policy, and attachthis policy to a security profile to implement it.
From configuration mode, confirm your configurationby entering the commit from configuration mode.
Attaching Web Filtering UTM Policies to Security Policies
CLI Quick Configuration
To quickly configure this section of the example,copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove anyline breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration,copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the commit from configuration mode.
Step-by-Step Procedure
The following example requires you to navigate variouslevels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how todo that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.
To attach a UTM policy to a security policy:
- Create the security policy sec_policy.
- Specify the match conditions for sec-policy.
- Attach the UTM policy mypolicy to the security policysec_policy.
From configuration mode, confirm your configurationby entering the commit from configuration mode.
To confirm that the configuration is workingproperly, perform these tasks:
Verifying the Status of the Web Filtering Server
Verify the Web filtering server status.
From the top of the configuration in operational mode,enter the Bypass Juniper Web Filtering Software
The command output shows that the Web filtering serverconnection is up.
Verifying that Web Filtering Statistics Have Increased
Verify the increase in Web filtering statistics. Theinitial counter value is 0; if there is an HTTP request URL hit, thenthere is a increase in the Web filtering statistics.
From the top of the configuration in operational mode,enter the show security utm web-filtering statistics
show security utm custom-objects
show security utm feature-profile web-filtering juniper-enhanced
See also
Example: Configuring Enhanced Web Filtering
This example shows how to configure EnhancedWeb filtering (EWF) for managing website access. This feature is supportedon all SRX Series devices. The EWF solution intercepts HTTP and theHTTPS requests and sends the HTTP URL or the HTTPS source IP to theWebsense ThreatSeeker Cloud (TSC). The TSC categorizes the URL intoone of the 151 or more predefined categories and also provides sitereputation information. The TSC further returns the URL category andthe site reputation information to the device. The SRX Series devicedetermines whether it can permit or block the request based on theinformation provided by the TSC.
This example uses the following hardware and software components:
Before you begin, you should be familiar withWeb filtering and Enhanced Web filtering (EWF). See Web Filtering Overview and Understanding Enhanced Web Filtering Process.
Web filtering is used to monitor and control how users accessthe website over HTTP and HTTPS. In this example, you configure aURL pattern list (whitelist) of URLs or addresses that you want tobypass. After you create the URL pattern list, define the custom objects.After defining the custom objects, you apply them to feature profilesto define the activity on each profile, apply the feature profileto the UTM policy, and finally attach the Web filtering UTM policiesto the security policies. Table 1 shows information about EWF configuration type, steps, andparameters used in this example.
Table 1: Enhanced Web filtering (EWF) ConfigurationType, Steps, and Parameters
Configuration Type
Configuration Steps
Configuration Parameters
Configure a URL pattern list (whitelist) of URLs or addressesthat you want to bypass.
Create a custom object called urllist3 that contains the patternhttp://www.example.net
Add the urllist3 custom object to the custom URL categorycusturl3.
Configure the Web filtering feature profile:
This example shows how to configure custom URLpatterns, custom objects, feature profiles, and security policies.
Configuring Enhanced Web Filtering Custom Objects and URL Patterns
CLI Quick Configuration
To quickly configure this section of the example,copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove anyline breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration,copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the commit from configuration mode.
Starting withJunos OS Release 15.1X49-D110, the “