Game Countdown Timer Actionscript 3

Using the Timer Class in ActionScript 3.0 By Blue_Chi| Flash CS3 + ActionScript 3.0| Beginner. The Timer Class in AS3 lets you execute any code repeatedly over specific time intervals. It is an extensive class which offers functionality that exceeds the older setInterval() method which is more commonly used in previous versions of ActionScript.

  1. Countdown Timer For Games
  2. Game Countdown Timer Actionscript 3 2
Active2 years, 8 months ago

I am currently in a Flash game programming class with action script 3 and can't seem to find a clock anywhere that counts down and then does an action. I've been using Lynda tutorials and that hasn't been helpful and I have also Google searched quite a bit, but no luck. I have a Countdown clock and have been try 'if' statements, but no luck.


Can someone guide me in the right direction on what I am doing wrong?

Online countdown timerRajneesh Gaikwad
1,1312 gold badges14 silver badges29 bronze badges

2 Answers

Nicolas SiverCountdownNicolas Siver
2,6803 gold badges11 silver badges22 bronze badges
Rajneesh Gaikwad

Countdown Timer For Games

Rajneesh Gaikwad

Game Countdown Timer Actionscript 3 2

1,1312 gold badges14 silver badges29 bronze badges

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